A few months ago everybody was going Ga-Ga over what's his face, Michael Buble, thinking that he originally sang that song..."You Know How I Feel". But it was NINA SIMONE, and she tore it up!
I first heard the song in the movie,"No Way Out," with Bridget Fonda. Nina was Bridget's character's muse and the music played throughout the movie. I remember Nina Simone when my mom used to play her records, but I wasn't a big fan back then. I have come to appreciate her more and more as people steal and sample her music. They better recognize.
Anyway, take a look and see that Kiss'n Kuzn's is beginning a new day with our new logo. Yep, we're trying to keep it fresh!! :0) Our website is growing and we're doing some things to get our name and products out there to you!
Thank you Emily Yamamoto for your clever website designs. You rock!!
On Sun. Aug. 12, Kiss'n Kuzn's had a booth at the Craftivism Craft show in downtown Los Angeles. Lots of fun, scorcher of a day, but met some nice folks. Maybe we'll catch you next time.

Anywhoo, we've got some new designs coming up, so stay tuned and check our website out for the new arrivals.
On Sun. Aug. 12, Kiss'n Kuzn's had a booth at the Craftivism Craft show in downtown Los Angeles. Lots of fun, scorcher of a day, but met some nice folks. Maybe we'll catch you next time.

Anywhoo, we've got some new designs coming up, so stay tuned and check our website out for the new arrivals.
We even had an international visitor. Jambo!!!! Actually that's Ki-Swahili and my man is from Tanzania.

Dude was walking around with a walking stick and smoking his peace pipe!!
Please be sure to enlarge this picture, as you want to "see" all that he's beautified his face with...namely a big old black disc right under his nose. And he had some small plates in his lips.
My thanks to my friends, Susan Everett and Ken Foster who came out to support me. It was good seeing them. I also had a chance to see the products of some of the other vendors, and they were awesome.
Hi Susan, thanks for taking part in the craft fair.

Dude was walking around with a walking stick and smoking his peace pipe!!
Please be sure to enlarge this picture, as you want to "see" all that he's beautified his face with...namely a big old black disc right under his nose. And he had some small plates in his lips.
My thanks to my friends, Susan Everett and Ken Foster who came out to support me. It was good seeing them. I also had a chance to see the products of some of the other vendors, and they were awesome.
Hi Susan, thanks for taking part in the craft fair.

Peace and Love!!
1 comment:
Ooga Booga, that guy is scary lookin'.
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