And Miss Tyra Banks proves that she's still in the game with this fierce photo.
The U.S. needs to get it's act together, as black models are becoming more and more scarce on the runway.
Many years ago, after reading that the editors at Cosmopolitan magazine would not feature black women on the cover because they believed they would lose readership, I decided that I would boycott the magazine. I have not purchased this magazine for over 15 years. Recently I saw that Halle Berry and Beyonce made their covers, but it was too little too late for me. I cannot bring myself to buy their magazine.
I also cancelled a subscription to a magazine recently because there were never enough black women featured. I will not support a magazine like that, especially when blacks are major consumers in the U.S. Vogue isn't alone. Other mags like Vanity Fair, Elle,"W"...all use black models sparingly.
Some may think that this is a double standard because magazines like Essence, Ebony, and Upscale were created and cater to a predominantly black readership.
Well...had we been featured prominently in the aforementioned mags, there might not have been a need to be exclusive. I look at it as - TWO CAN PLAY THAT GAME. What came first - race or the magazine...in most cases, Race always plays a larger part in the minds of white editors and publishers. That's their world and they don't apologize for it.
These are incredible creations by hair stylist Nagi Noda. Human Hair is designed to look like animals and dogs.
Ullabenulla.com always has fun pics!
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