You know how you wish and wish that things would happen a certain way so that your life would change for the better? Well, winning the lottery or becoming an overnight sensation always seems to happen to other people. I have no choice but get used to the idea of me having to work like a new slave to achieve my goals....a lot of people do it everyday, so then why can't I stop hoping for the instant success?
No matter how many scratch off and lottery tickets I buy I haven't won the big prize, or no matter how hard I try to keep fashion ideas fresh, by the time I hand make the doggone thing...somebody's already out there with it. In a's gone! How do they do that?
If I had one wish that could be granted, it would be that I lay claim to all those fantastic ideas I know I came up (some of them already on the market) with and be able to get them to market as fast as I wrote the ideas down. It doesn't take a Rocket Scientist to know that if you are on the outer regions of the fashion industry, your chances of becoming the next big thing are next to none.
So how does one become a fashion insider??? Especially when you are working a 9-to-5 job?? Can somebody tell me please? I mean I read, watch and listen to all things fashion. I wish (there I go wishing again) that I could afford to attend those Fashion Week shows in NYC or here in LA, but whenever I hear about's too late to do anything about it. And the cost to attend is a little pricey to say the least. Is that it? I just have to bite the bullet, pull out all the stops and just save and spend my hard earned cash on a $75-$150 ticket!?? Maybe?
I have been seeing posts about the Magic show in Las Vegas this week. I can't go because I didn't plan for it, and I have another engagement this comes first!
I think about all the time and effort I spend researching, clipping articles, reading magazines and online sites to keep abreast of what's going on in the fashion world, but I keep missing one of the most crucial elements. I've got to live and breathe FASHION. I have to stop trying to pretend that I am doing something, when I need to do so much more.
So as of calendar and my mind will be set on fast forward. Next year when the LA Fashion Week comes to town...I will be there! And next year at this same time when the Magic show is in Las Vegas....I will be there (do I have to be a vendor? Gotta find out about that).
Sometimes you have to ask yourself the really hard badly do I want this to happen? Do I want success because I like making stuff? Or do I want success because I know I'm good at it?
I was speaking with a PR respresentative last week and she gave me some awesome tips and pointers about getting myself out there. I also mentioned that I had a few contacts to celebrities and that I have "plans" to make some specialty purses for them. Yet, I haven't done one thing to implement either contacting them or making the purses. What's up with that? I know I'm not one of those people who talks the talk and can't walk the walk. But what's stopping me from jumping right on this and going forward?
There are some legitimate reasons (personal family stuff), and I know that as soon as this weekend is over....I have my work cut out for me. It's not enough to know what you have to do, but you also have to prepare to do it. So that's what I'll be doing...putting it all down on paper and then checking everything off the list. You have to take this one step at a time...but step quickly.
I do want success because I love making things, and from the responses I receive from clients, they think I'm good at what I do...I think so too. So, I guess I had to just lay all my fears, doubts, and angst out here so that I could analyze them and remember why I'm trying to do what I'm doing. It really takes a special person to break into some of these hard core industries when you don't have a formal background in it, but just a love of it.

How many times have I read where this person just made some piece and some celeb saw it and BAM!!! They were the next big thing. Well yea, I would love that to happen, but I know that I've got to put in the ground work too. I've got to become VISIBLE...and I'm doing that on a small scale. What needs to happen next is to take the BIG STEPS TO NOTORIETY. Yea, I need to be all up in folks' faces and just make myself a permanent fixture out there (you can't see me but I'm pointing toward Hollywood, Beverly Hills, The SF Valley, Studio City, Burbank....THE WORLD!).
I may joke, but I am dead serious about this. I am not happy just existing, I've got to BE, and it's all up to me. Thanks I needed that pep talk. Carry on....
I absolutely love this jacket. It reminds me of something you would see in a MAD MAX movie, but at the same time I love that Victorian (vintage) look.

This vest is nice too. I even think I have these same kind of crystals. Damn...let me see what I can do with them.

I need to get a fabric mannequin so that I can work on it. I have a large wire one, but she's just displaying all my appliques, feathers and such. You see her with her feather boa, lace, crinoline, and purple applique! I'll have to upload some better pics, I know I have some somewhere.
I loaded her down with all this stuff so that I wouldn't forget that I have it. When you're working within a small space, you can't display all your goods like you I had to get creative.

It's not the best photo, but you get the idea.